Media Classified is returning this year with their career fair to give young people and adults a chance to explore their choices of careers for the second time this year.

On July 6, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the RBC Convention Centre, the event will have around 50 exhibitors that are looking to hire new employees or give advice on how to get in that line of work. 

"Media Classified is a consumer media company, we focus on helping Canadians improve their lifestyle. So, we have a multitude of brands covering different industries, we do employment, rental, career training, commercial investments, and we also publish an Ontario-based parenting magazine," says Randi Segal, the Group Sales Manager at Media Classified and Career Fair Canada. "For the Winnipeg market specifically, we do Career Fair."

A career fair is a place for employers and trainers to meet with people that are looking at finding a new job right away or finding ways to further their careers.  

"We host the events to provide opportunities for people interested in meeting directly with hiring managers, and college recruiters and also they have the opportunity to investigate specialized career training all under one roof on one day. It's a unique time in recruitment because the market is really full of people looking for new opportunities, and there are also so many companies looking to hire talent on an ongoing basis with an immediate need, so our shows facilitate communication between job seekers and recruiters."

While Media Classified offers events and programs nationwide, the fair that is happening today features employers and exhibitors from Winnipeg and surrounding areas in Manitoba.

A Career Fair starts with getting in touch with a lot of companies and other organizations that would be interested in hiring or setting up a booth at the convention centre.

"It starts with a lot of advertising, to be honest, so we do a lot of market research. We do some surveys in the industry, we've been in the industry for 35 years via our Publication, Employment News, so we gained our insights through ongoing research. Like which markets have the most need for our events. We run mixed media campaigns to promote events to exhibitors and attendees. We're a Facebook blueprint Google partner, so we're able to run high-level campaigns as well as targeted campaigns based on who are exhibitors. " 

This is Career Fair Canada's ninth event since pandemic restrictions have lessened. Normally Winnipeg only hosts two career fairs, but this year they have decided to add a third career fair. The first event was held on March 23, and the third one will be in the fall, on September 14.

The Winnipeg Career Fair is a free event for anyone who wishes to participate. It is encouraged that attendees bring their resumes, comfortable footwear, and a pen and paper. Anyone who is interested can register here.