Canadian theatres will be showing the highly debated film for one week.

Cineplex has decided - amidst some pushback - to show the film that tells the story of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson and her journey to leaving the organization in 2009.

In a release from Cineplex President and CEO, Ellis Jacob, the company says, "We have received many phone calls and email from Canadians on both sides of the conversation about the film Unplanned."

Jacob, an immigrant to Canada in 1969, says that this decision did not come lightly for the company.

Jacob says, "As a leader of Canada's largest film exhibition company, I am confident it was the right decision for us, for you, and for our country.

"One of the things that I loved, and still love, the most about living here was that we don't shy away from our differences. we embrace them."

Jacob continues in his release to say that Canada is a country that celebrates freedom of expression, "but that isn't always the easy thing to do and it certainly doesn't always make you popular."

Unplanned will show in 14 out of Cineplex's 1,700 auditoriums across Canada for one week, starting Friday, July 12. 

Showings will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Langley and Mission, British Columbia; Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta; Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; and Toronto, Vaughan, Oakville, London, Windsor and Ottawa, Ontario.