The Omand's Creek Pedestrian Bridge needs to be replaced and the city is asking Winnipeggers for their opinions on how the next bridge should look. 

A “pre-design” public engagement program has been established to help the city start the design-build process on the right foot with community feedback. 

The conversation to replace the deteriorating bridge began in 2010.  At that time, work on a new bridge stalled due to community concerns with the proposed designs.

This time, to prevent this from happening again, the city is asking the community to share their thoughts on a few different things including, improving pathways around the bridge, whether what they heard in 2010 is still relevant and whether they correctly interpreted the feedback, key areas of park use, what the community values about the park and what criteria the community would want to see us use to evaluate potential designs.

The city says the bridge will need to be replaced within five years. They say it also has some critical issues that need to be fixed, including not meeting accessibility standards and ongoing flood concerns. 

Winnipeggers can share their thoughts on the bridge via an online survey and mapping tool that will remain open until June 10. They can also visit the park in person on May 30 from 4- 7 p.m.