Queen Elizabeth reminds us Easter isn't cancelled, it's just a little bit different this year, and for a good reason.

In an Easter address from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, the Queen reflected on the importance of Easter in the midst of the current global COVID-19 pandemic.

She began by speaking of the universal symbol and importance of candles.

"Many religions have festivals which celebrate light overcoming darkness," says the Queen. "Such occasions are often accompanied by the lighting of candles.

"These seem to speak to all cultures and appeal to people of all faiths and none."

"As dark as death can be, particularly for those suffering with grief, light and life are greater."

The Queen acknowledged how the Saturday before Easter Sunday is a day many Christians gather to light candles together.

"It's a way of showing how the good news of Christ's resurrection has been passed on from the first Easter by every generation until now," the Queen says.

"This year, Easter will be different for many of us, but by keeping apart, we are keeping others safe."

Easter, says the Queen, is not canceled. Quite to the contrary, it is more important than ever.

When Jesus was discovered to be alive by his friends and followers on Easter Sunday, "it gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose and we can all take heart from this," the Queen says.

Despite turbulent and uncertain times for people around the world due to the coronavirus, the Queen says we should not miss the opportunity this Easter to celebrate life.

"We know that coronavirus will not overcome us," says the Queen. "As dark as death can be, particularly for those suffering with grief, light and life are greater."

The Queen wished every person from all faiths a blessed Easter.

"May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future," she says.

Watch the Queen's full address here.