A group based in Winnipeg that provides resources and programs to people with Parkinson's is starting a weekly singing workshop. 

U-Turn Parkinson's founder and executive director Tim Hague says their new "U-Tune" program will give people of all musical skill levels a chance to get together and socialize with each other and sing, which will help to strengthen their throat muscles. 

"This is about having fun and getting people together to enjoy life and music," Hague said. "But we're also getting this together with the hope that singing will one day prove beneficial in strengthening our voices and breathing apparatuses."

"Often our voices become quite soft and it's hard to hear us, so we're hoping singing will help with that." 

Hague says Ryerson University has started to research how singing can help people with Parkinson's strengthen their voices. He says despite personally noticing some of the signs, his career as a public speaker has helped him keep his voice active, and he hopes this choir can do the same for others. 

"As we practice more and use our voices more it helps us be heard," Hague said. "My wife is often asking me to speak up and articulate and it's a conscious effort that has to be made to be heard some days, so a lot of people are excited about this opportunity." 

Hague says right now they have 15 people signed up, but there is no limit on the number of people who can join the choir, which will be led by Heitha Forsyth, a Winnipeg-musician who has a background in musical therapy. 

U-Tunes starts Sept 11, 2018 and will go once a week for 15 weeks. It's only $25 to sign up for the entire 15 weeks, and all the sessions are held at the Crescentwood Community Centre. 

For more information, visit uturnsparkinsons.org.