Evangelist Len Lindstrom has been seeing God's healing power over the past week and is thrilled to see what else is in store during the last few days of tent revival in Winnipeg. 

"We're back in Winnipeg, the town I was actually born in," says Len Lindstrom. "It's great to be back here holding a gospel campaign in the big blue and yellow tent."

Lindstrom came to Winnipeg to hold a 10-day tent revival and is currently on the last three days. He started the worship and healing time on July 8. 

"I'm from B.C. From there we've travelled all over the world in over 100 nations over the years. God has graciously allowed us to see over 11.5 million first-time decisions for Christ overseas. Here in Canada, we've seen over 100,000 people respond and come to the Lord. God is still saving, healing, and setting the captives free."

The tent is set up at 1270 Sturgeon Rd. Each event starts at 7:00 p.m. and ends on Sunday, July 17. The focus of the tent revival is to impact nations with the love and power of Jesus Christ. 

Seeing God Move

"We had a little girl the very first night who stuttered all the time. She was instantly healed. We had two different people come in with broken bones within the last week. God instantly healed him and this man's hand worked, he's been in the tent multiple times, holding his hand up."

There was a lady that came to an evening in the tent with a blind eye and her sight was fully restored, according to Lindstrom. 

"It's just Jesus and the gospel. It's so exciting to see God move like that. I don't heal anybody. I tell people all over the world that I cannot heal a mosquito of a headache. Put your eyes on Jesus, look to Jesus, because He's the Saviour, He's the healer, and He is the one who has the solution to our problems." 

People looking for more information can find Lindstrom on his website