Relationships, says Skillet's John Cooper, are the key to having constructive conversations - even with those with whom we disagree.

In an interview with Graham Allen on the Dear America podcast, Cooper says churches are tip-toeing around the big questions and conversations we need to be having.

"I think the church is full mainly realy great people," he says. "But I think that a lot of people don't know what to do and we don't have relationship."

Cooper encourages Christians to discuss tough topics like politics with those who have differing views than your own.

"Literally everybody that works for me is fairly hyper-liberal, atheist, agnostic — out of my 15 employees, well over half of them, we wouldn’t agree on anything about anything, but we’re best friends,” Cooper says.

Social media, says Cooper, has changed how we discuss politics, morality, and faith and taken away the relational aspect of conversation.

“Everybody wants their little bite," says Cooper of the impact of social media on a discussion.

“In relationship, you can begin to have those conversations,” he says. “There are tons of things to talk about.”

Cooper urges Christians to engage in heartfelt discussions about how authentically they are actually living their lives for Jesus, rather than focusing on "trigger" topics and trying to force believers to take a position on every issue.

Watch Cooper and Allen's conversation below: