Earlier today the RCMP tweeted out that they were looking for women to provide details on a stolen truck and her choice of Nacho Cheese chips over Cool Ranch.

RCMP Manitoba is known for its humorous tweets and today's was no exception.

"Need to speak to her about the truck thing & why she chose Nacho Cheese over Cool Ranch!" The RCMP says in a tweet.

A woman photographed entering a convenience store was pictured purchasing Nacho Cheese Doritos. The RCMP, wanting to learn more about who the suspect is, headed to Twitter to made light and ask the public's assistance.

"This suspect may have stolen a truck in Gladstone on Jan 11," the also tweeted.

RCMP Manitoba has done this is in past, as their humorous tweets have to lead to more eyes on their message. Today's tweet has had almost 300 retweets and over 850 likes so far.

Anyone with information on the woman is asked to call 204-476-7340.