Christian author and speaker, Max Lucado pens a response to the tragedies last weekend in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas.

In a blog post on his website, Lucado writes, "How are we to respond to this dark season of bloodshed?

"Anger is the choice of many. Anger at politicians. Anger at the NRA. Anger at God. We become bitter and sour toward this world; toward one another. Fear is another option. Lock the doors and close the windows. Avoid every shadow and dark alley."

Lucado cites John 6:16-18, the best-known storm-story in the Bible, as a form of direction in these times.

"Listen and see if you don’t hear him say: I AM with you in the storm."

Additionally, in a video posted on August 4, Lucado says, "Like you, I am doing my best to try and process this terrible, terrible outpouring of bad news.

"I am turning to the 23rd Psalm for comfort and I am wondering if I can encourage you to do the same."