A local group is hoping to bring Christians together in unity and prayer, no matter their denomination or background.

"Upper Room Prayer was birthed out of spending quiet time with the Lord when I was at the University of Winnipeg," says Meseret Alem, the founder of the group. "I was praying in a chapel and had this burden on my heart to see a greater unity in the city, in our churches."

That was in 2019. While Alem didn't know exactly what a greater unity looked like, she felt like God was calling her to act.

"Today it looks like an ongoing, monthly meeting or gathering of various local churches. Coming together to pray for the common goal of fostering fellowship among one another, growing in unity, and praying for revival for our city."

The group has offered Zoom meeting prayer times over the past year because of the pandemic. Four churches in Winnipeg are involved at this time including enCompass Church with the Winnipeg Chinese Alliance, Generations for Christ Church, Zion Apostolic Church, and Philideliphia International Church. 

"We recognize that different churches pray differently. As a team we didn't want to dictate how that prayer went but rather invite the host church to lead us in how they pray. At the end of the day, as long as it's scriptural and we're praying, how we pray, that is within the right of the church that's hosting us."

While there are four churches participating at this time, the Upper Prayer Room evenings are open to all. 

"Anybody and everybody is invited," says Alem. 

"The primary objective is to have churches partner with us and come. However, one thing that Holy Spirit has made clear is the church is not simply a building but rather the people that come together. He did point out that there are people out there with a burden to pray for our city."

A passage of Scripture stood out to Alem when she started this prayer group. 

"One of the things that can be discouraging is to see the division in the church. One thing that in John 17 Jesus prays for is that all believers that they may be united as we are united. He's speaking about Himself and the Father. That the world will know that you sent me by the love that they have for one another. I look around and don't know if we love one another that well."

Alem believes that people will get a glimpse of the kingdom of God on earth when people from all walks of life come together in the name of Jesus. 

"Instead of us all being divided in our little corners, looking at the bigger picture and the diversity in God's kingdom. Upper Room Prayer tries to bridge that gap within the church in Winnipeg."

For people interested in attending the next Upper Room Prayer events, you can find details on their social media. They meet in the evening on the last Tuesday of every month.