There are three keys to raising children that become financially responsible and independent children.

  1. Model – it for them
  2. Teach – it to them
  3. Save – for them Teach


When we have a plan -like GPS (see part 1) – it helps to take our emotions out of spending. If we were left strictly to our emotions, many of us would spend all we have. This is the same for our kids as well.

What happens to their allowance, or the piggy bank money they’ve gotten from their grandparents? Most spend it on toys and snacks.

Teaching our children a process and plan will help them learn to direct money appropriately. It also takes some of the emotion out of spending. If they can learn or organize and control money when they are young, they will be much better equipped when they are adults.

When starting the process of organizing money with your children, it can be as simple as Give, Save, Spend.

When they get money, a portion goes directly into their GIVE jar or folder, a portion goes to SAVE jar, and the rest is for them to spend.

As they get older, you can create more folders for other things like future savings, and big-ticket items.

Repetition is important – so walk them through it every time and remind them why they are structuring their money the way they are.


We choose to give because choosing to give breaks us out of selfishness, it helps the world around us, and it brings joy to others and ourselves.


We choose to save so that we can reach our future goals and do what’s important to us.


The rest we can spend because we want to live a life full now as well.

Resource: The CashKidz Program is incredibly helpful in teaching our children to organize their money and grow in becoming financially independent at a young age. For more information, contact:

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