Nearly one week ago Corey Mazinke was injured in a diving accident.

Mazinke dove into the middle of the lake at Buffalo Point, but did not know there was a sand bar underneath the boat. As a result, Mazinke injured his the C5 vertebrae in his neck and was brought by air to the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg.

The Mazinke family's first prayer request was for his lungs. Mazinke had taken lake water into his lungs and it was causing a dangerous infection.

It was shared, via Facebook, on Tuesday evening that Mazinke’s lungs are now clear.

Joan van der Linde, a close friend of the Mazinke family, shared on Facebook: "Thank you for your prayers! The next main prayer request is that Corey could breathe on his own and get the ventilator out of his mouth."

As Mazinke has been reliant on a ventilater, his chest muscles need to strengthen so that he can cough.

van der Linde says, "He’s responding to questions by shaking or nodding his head but very frustrated with the ventilator, which limits his communication. He has upper arm movement which is also positive.

"We can well imagine that there is a battle going on in his mind - please pray for peace and stability. The family wants to thank everyone for their support, love and prayers! They could not do this without you!"