Kaeziah Bobier was voted in as the valedictorian for Faith Academy this year, and it is easy to see why.

How Did It Feel To Be Chosen As Valedictorian

"It was a crazy feeling just because I've always wanted to be the valedictorian. It's such an honor to represent your entire grade, so it was a dream come true for me."

What Did You Want To Be As A Kindergartener Versus Now

"My dad, he was an artist, and he loved taking pictures and drawing things so somewhere in the arts. I used to want to either be a fashion designer or a model, and that's completely changed now... right now I really have a heart for global issues, so I'm going into economics, and hopefully law somewhere just to help others and the world. I want to do something about human rights law, or even going into different countries."

She went to Albania with Operation Mobilization this last February, and that has made a huge impact on her perspective and goals now going into her future. 

"It was a really fun time, and seeing poverty but also seeing hope is such a beautiful and emotional thing to see. And just seeing these people and seeing the situation they're in and the lifestyle they live, and seeing you know, back in North America it's so different. My heart really cried out to these people. And just to see that this is not the reality for me, but it is the reality for a lot of people in the world."

What Were Your Least Favourite and Favourite Subjects

"That's really hard because I love school. I'm sorry Mrs. Bailey, but I think pre-cal was my least favourite. I love it, but out of everything else, it's my least favourite. I do love ELA, but I also like Physics... but I really do love ELA and global issues, that was probably my favourite."

Which Teacher Inspired You The Most

"To all the teachers listening, I love you all! But I think someone who has really inspired me was Ms. Loewen [now Mrs. Plett]... she really inspired me, she just had a heart for people and she worked in India for the Dalits, and her heart was so big for people and she had such a passion for Christ and I fed off of that so much. I love her passion and her drive for the Lord so she definitely inspired me a lot."

Is There A Verse That Helped You Through School

"This one was from my grade 9 year because I was a very scared and fearful child at that time. So it's Joshua 1 verse 9, 'Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' So I think that verse really stuck out to me because I was presented with a lot of opportunities that were very scary and daunting whether it be public speaking, or going to Albania which was across the world away from my family and what I was used to but it was just a good reminder that you know what, the Lord is with me wherever I go so there's nothing to be afraid of." 

Are You Sad To Go Or Are You Ready

"It's mixed emotions, it's bittersweet. I'm trying not to think about it because I know I'll cry if I do think about it. But I am excited for the future. I know that God's plans for me are already set. But I'm also very sad to leave the school that has been my second home."

Whats The Number One Thing You've Learned In School

"There are two things actually. It was faithfulness, and awareness. I think in every aspect of live, but especially in a Christian's walk with the Lord, faithfulness to the cause of Christ. It's difficult, you know, in James it says 'consider it all joy' and its suffering, thats tough, but here in North America we've got it so different. But even when we don't see fruit, even when we don't feel like the Lord is moving, he is, and just being faithful to that cause. Also awareness. Being aware of other people and being aware of what's going on in the world and the brokenness and the healing that needs to happen in the school and in the world. I think those are the two things I learned the most in school."


Kaeziah received an $8000 scholarship to go to the University of Manitoba doing an undergrad in economics this coming fall.