Kids camp ministries across Canada are coming together for a day of prayer as they prepare to share the gospel with thousands of children. 

"We estimate about half the kids coming through camps are unchurched," says Kelly Rempel, Marketing Director of One Hope Canada. "They come to a place where they can just put aside those things they're dealing with at home and have a safe place to have fun and experience healthy relationships. And of course, hear about Jesus."

One Hope Canada has been around for almost 100 years with their main ministry as 37 Bible camps across the country. There are five Bible camps with One Hope Canada in Manitoba including Turtle Mountain, Dauphin, Valley View, Gimli, and Roseau River. 

"We wanted believers across the country to come together very intentionally on a specific day to really pray into camp ministry and the people serving on the front lines. We estimate there are about 400 Bible camps across the country. That translates to about a quarter of a million kids and youth coming through every year. We know we can't do what we do without prayer."

The Day of Prayer for Camp invites people to pray for camp ministries on Sunday, May 26. One Hope Canada partners with multiple other camp organizations to put on this day. Anyone interested can go to

"The theme this year is 'Focus Up' from Colossians 3:2 about set your minds on things above. We encourage churches to get together and do this, small groups, kids groups, whoever."