Premier Wab Kinew is calling on Manitobans to help refresh a prayer that is read by the Speaker at the opening of each legislative session.

He says the prayer that is currently being used has been in place for at least 15 years. 

“We believe it’s time to update this opening to ensure it captures who we are as Manitobans today," said Kinew this morning at the ninth annual Multi-Faith Leadership Breakfast. "There is space within the words we share each day for more Manitobans to feel grounded and to pause for reflection."

Kinew says he is inviting Manitobans from all walks of life to work with them to ensure that who we are as Manitobans is reflected. 

PC House Leader Derek Johnson says prayer is a sacred and time-honoured tradition in legislatures across Canada, and any consideration of changes in the Manitoba Legislative Assembly must be a non-partisan process that fully engages all legislators.

"The Standing Committee on the Rules of the House would bring forward a recommendation to the Legislative Assembly where the final decision would rest, as was done for the introduction of land acknowledgements in 2021. Consultations were held for input toward the land acknowledgment and the prayer should experience similar public input. It is not a decision for the NDP premier or his government to make unilaterally.”

The Manitoba government will host a roundtable shortly to gather perspectives on changes to the legislature opening.