Today is World Alzheimer's Day, though, for Kathy Fehr, Alzheimer awareness is top of mind every day.

As the South Central Regional Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba, Fehr has seen the number of diagnosis in Manitoba continue to climb.

The latest numbers suggest 22,000 people in the province have some form of dementia.

"Those are big numbers," Fehr says. "We want to show we support them."

She explains it's their mission to break the stigma surrounding the disease.

"That's exactly what it is, a disease," Fehr says. "And we need to treat it as such."

Today is also the kick-off for the annual Coffee Break Campaign fundraisers. Volunteers are encouraged to hold a coffee break at work or in their homes to talk about the issue and invite people to make a donation.

The society is also holding Minds in Motion programming in Morden and Altona. The two-hour program runs for eight weeks and sessions combine physical activity with socialization for people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia.

"It's a great way for people impacted by dementia to take care of their hearts, minds, and bodies," Fehr says. "It brings together people with family and friends in the community, giving them the opportunity to normalize the relationship in a way that is not influenced by the illness."

To learn more call Fehr at 204-325-5634 or stop by the local office in the Buhler Active Living Centre in Winkler.