Each year Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) puts on a youth event called REBOOT, but this year they are switching from an in-person event to online training sessions due to the pandemic. 

Previously REBOOT was a full, one-day event which meant there was a limit to who could attend due to distance. Starting June 2, teens from across Canada can attend from the comfort of their homes. 

The event is tailored to youth ages 12-18 years old and aims at answering life and faith’s biggest questions.  

“We’re not just going to be giving talks that address hot button topics, we’re going to be addressing their questions directly,” Abdu Murray, the Senior Vice President of RZIM shares. “It’s in a webinar format that will allow students to chew down to the bone on some of these really important topics.” 

This Canadian event can reach global audiences as it is all online. The event is free of charge, allowing any youth to attend. 

“We typically love to have it in person. Part of the ethos of REBOOT is to have a high energy event where we have games and we have very interactive Q & A, there are prizes and music,” says Murray.