The Liberal government says that it has removed wording from applications for the Canadian Summer Jobs program after faith-based groups pushed back earlier this year. 

The government had originally inserted an attestation that many faith-based groups - not just Christians - felt they couldn't agree with if they disagree with abortion.

According to the Canadian Press, the 2019 application has been "re-tooled." Now the application will simply ask people to "declare they don't work to infringe on any Canadian's legal rights."


Labour Minister Patty Hajdu told the Canadian Press that the change should alleviate concerns that faith-based groups strongly voiced earlier this year.

"They felt this was about their values and beliefs and not about the jobs and the performances of the students in particular roles and we took that to heart," Hajdu said in an interview.

"We've been working on making sure we do what we intended to do, which is to stand up for the rights of Canadians...but that we also work closely with faith-based groups and others so that they can see how they themselves would fit into this program."

MPs are expected to receive information on Thursday from Service Canada about the changes.