The Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle campaign is wrapping up its final week of 2017, but they are quite far behind their goal.

With less than one week to go, The Salvation Army has raised $185,00 of its $370,000 goal. The Christmas Kettle's were placed in various locations at the beginning of November and are being cleaned up on December 24.

"We know the last week before Christmas, people are very generous," said Major Rob Kerr. "Please help us out, we need to get there."

Christmas Kettles are located throughout the city, manned by bell ringers, many of whom are volunteers. The money in the kettle goes towards the specific program The Salvation Army has set up in that area, so all money remains in the same area.

The Salvation Army runs a variety of programs, including English classes for newcomers, after-school programs around the city, seniors programs, and even late night hockey games to get kids off the street and active.

"Our message has always been, when we see needs, we want to help," Major Kerr said.

Major Kerr says that every program needs this money to continue operating, and the donations are part of their budget. While they are slightly worried, they know Winnipeg will come through. Kerr believes that Christmas is about giving.

"Out of what we've been given, we have to give to others," Major Kerr explained. "The message of Christmas is that there is a gift to be given to others . . . not because they earned it, just like we didn't earn it when Jesus came."

To become a part of the work The Salvation Army is doing, donate at one of the kettles' around the city, head online, or download the new app. 

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