Riffing off the popular #Metoo movement, the Mennonite church in Winnipeg is continuing the conversation on sexual misconduct in the church with their #ChurchToo conference this weekend.

Gerald Dyck, the Conference Pastor for the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba says, #Churchtoo is a conference dealing with the issues of sexual misconduct in the church.

The goal of #Church is to equip church leaders with information and tools to help understand and combat sexual misconduct in the church.

The two-day conference will be hosting speakers like David Martin, Executive Minister of Mennonite Church in eastern Canada, Carol Penner, assistant professor of theological studies at Conrad Grebel University College, and Carolyn Klassen, Therapist at Conexus Counseling.

The weekend is full of conversations with these speakers, lectures, and workshops.

"We are willing to have the conversation, we need to have the conversation and move toward really positive action," says Dyck.

This conference is mainly for church leaders, who will hopefully, take away some very practical tools for keeping kids and seniors safe.

Some of these tools might be, counseling practices, how to keep the building safe and ensure the people are well taken care of by creating hall monitor positions and check-in centers.

When asked if the conference would deal at all with the root of the issue of sexual misconduct in the church and why people choose to behave the way they do Dyck said, " we always need to tackle the root of the issue."

"It could be as much as hurt people, hurt people," there will be a workshop this weekend to focus on "why people do what they do."

Dyck said it is important to know how to listen to the victims of sexual assault in the church and be equipped with the right tools to promote understanding and healing.