A new play structure is on the way to replace one destroyed by fire recently.

Many people have wondered what would happen after arsonists destroyed a beloved play structure at Harbourview Recreation Complex at Kilcona Park last week.

The City of Winnipeg says they are already planning to replace the structure.

"In the meantime, until the replacement is completed, a family friendly, fun alternative play structure can be found at nearby Olympic Park, located at 864 Headmaster Row just off of Lagimodiere Boulevard," the City said in a press release.

For now, the City of Winnipeg has closed off the location of the old play structure at Harbourview Recreation Complex to ensure safety of the public. City crews will begin to remove starting this week and completed next week.

As for when exactly the new structure will be in place, the city says there are a few factors at work, and cannot say for certain.