After a couple of recent hit and runs inside Winnipeg, the police are offering tips to keep pedestrians safe.

While pedestrian safety does also rely on drivers being aware of their surroundings and following the law, people walking on the sidewalk or biking on the street can also be a part of staying safe.

"I think the most important thing is just awareness of where you are," said Rob Carver, a public information officer for the Winnipeg Police Service. "It's awareness of your surroundings and adjusting your behaviors to make sure you're safe.

"While you may have the right of way, you're going to be the big loser if there is a collision."

Walking or cycling at night is a completely different scenario. "Your visibility, as good as it might be during the day, is just dramatically reduced at night," said Carver about being a pedestrian at night.

"Follow the rules of the road and be aware of your surroundings is what will keep you safest."

If you are cycling, use reflective material on your clothing and your helmet. Carver also said all bikes should have a light on the front and back so that drivers can see them at night.

Carver urges parents to use caution when walking or cycling with their children as their ability to access a situation is not as good as that of an adult.