An organization dedicated to keeping Winnipeg clean and litter-free held its annual campaign kick-off event at Bell MTS Place today.

Colleen Kurlowich, community engagement and operations manager for Take Pride Winnipeg, says the team up to clean up campaign kick-off focuses on school children. She says the vast majority of their clean-up volunteers are kids aged 5-18, but they do have a number of community groups and businesses that get involved, and they want to encourage more adults to take part.

"Kids are very environmentally focused, so they learn a lot in school about taking care of the environment, and keeping their room clean, their yard clean, their street clean, so they're already on board, right? We want to be encouraging more adults to be thinking about cleaning up litter when they see it and being more aware and not throwing things out a car window, for example," says Kurlowich.

She says kids are invited out to the kick-off event to get pumped up about cleaning up litter.

Learn more about Take Pride Winnipeg here.