While the seven-day forecast currently shows temperatures reaching above the freezing mark next week, Environment Canada says not to get too hopeful.

"There are models suggesting on the plus side of zero for next week," says Mike Russo from Environment Canada. "Nevertheless I think most models right now are indicating temperatures staying below the average seasonal temperature."

Wind chills on Friday morning hovered between -25 and -29 in many places in southern Manitoba, including at the Winnipeg airport.

"We've got a stubborn Polar Vortex that's situated over Hudson Bay, and as a result, we're getting cold air that's getting piped in from the Arctic."

Russo says the normal high for this time of year is +7. "And, we're still expecting temperatures to stay below that for some time."

The record high for April 6 was set in 1991 at 22.5, while the record low was -24.8 in 1979.

The good news? There's plenty of sunshine in the forecast.

Read more:

Five-day forecast