Dan Bremnas has just kicked off his  21 dates "Wherever I Go" tour in Alberta and is very excited.

Bremnes is looking forward to making three stops in Southern Manitoba which includes Winnipeg, Winkler, and Landmark with local band, The Color.

The tour is taking him from British Columbia to Ontario.

He just released his newest album titled by his single release "Wherever I Go"  and will be playing new music from that, he said. "As well as some old stuff."

"I've been working on this record for three years and it just came out a week ago today. So I have no plans to get back in the studio in the immediate future," Bremnes said.

His focus is on touring with this record, and doing some work overseas, in Australia, in the United States, and maybe some stuff in Europe.

"The only thing I'm thinking about right now is Canada," he said.

When reflecting on his success, Bremnes says he doesn't feel any different.

"I think, you know, the journey's been so long, I don't know that if I feel any different, you know?

A lot of people look at maybe some artists that have had success and they just think, "Oh man, wow, that just came out of nowhere!" Anyone I know that's had any sort of success in music - it's a long story. You know, I've been doing music for almost 10 years, releasing my own music," Bremnes said.

He said that playing music for a living and the crowds coming out to hear you play, enjoying the music is how he measures success. 

One of Bremnes' prayer requests for the tour is that peoples' lives would be changed, be blessed and walk away different.

You can buy tickets here for Dan Bremnes' Southern Manitoba tour.