As we get back to the regular routine after the holiday season, it's not unusual to experience what's called the Christmas Blues.

That's from CMHA Central Executive Director Sean Miller, who points out the holiday season's a time when people are highly connected to relationships in their lives.

"The intensity of that is really amped up over a short duration of time," he says. "So when that's over, we can go through something where it's like 'oh, gosh, everybody's got to go back home, back to routine,' and then we can find ourselves, depending on our personal situation, we can find ourselves alone."

Miller talks about coping with that feeling, after the intensity of relationships during the holidays.

"Something that I would recommend in dealing with that is to build into your life, opportunities to connect with community," he says. "To have occasion to connect with friends, reaching out, getting involved in community, maybe volunteering somewhere, to keep those relationships going."

Miller says it's something they see often.

"We deal with a lot of people that maybe don't have family," he says. "Sometimes we will hear that we're the only family that certain people have, so they certainly appreciate we have a drop-in centre, and they utilize the drop-in centre precisely for that reason, to foster those relationships."