"We forget the important role God has to play in our recovery."

That's what Tara Brousseau Snider had to say about the importance of the Living Room Group, a peer-based support group offered by the Mood Disorder Association of Manitoba (MDAM) that seeks to provide a safe place for healing through exploration of the Christian faith.

The group has been operating for the past six years, meeting on the second and fourth Sunday's of each month.

"We've had a great number of people come," explained Snider, "and when they feel that they've had enough, they move on into their own congregations."

The group aims to provide support through peers and faith for anyone struggling with a mood disorder, which can include depression and bipolar disorder.

"It's been very proven that when you bring in a higher power in addictions, that creates healing... when you bring God in, in terms of being able to address your own Christian faith, then that can often have a very strong impact on your recovery, and I think today in our society we often miss the part that God can play."

Snider's vision is to see Living Room Groups in every church across Manitoba, "where people can come and meet, and find God through their faith and also find peer-support with each other for their mental well-being."

She says this can be pivotal in understanding the sources and triggers of each person who suffering from depression.

"God will determine when your recovery is," said Snider, "and then you'll move into what other areas of your life you need to be finding joy in."

If you're interested in this group or would like to learn more about it, you can contact Snider at (204) 786-0987 or 1-800-2631460. You can also visit their website, http://www.mooddisordersmanitoba.ca/.