Winnipeggers may not be able to visit pavilions this year, but Folklorama says they will be bringing the festivities to homes, schools, and other locations across the city.

The August festival made the announcement one month ago that they would not be holding the yearly event. The festival says they will be upholding the decision to not host the large-scale event, but are now offering an alternative solution.

"With the cancellation of the festival it was hard for us and hard for members of our communities that participate, so we really wanted to put our heads together and really think about what we could do this summer to keep this tradition alive," Teresa Cotroneo, the festival's Executive Director says. "Online has been great but... this is really the time to deliver a personalized experience."

Its four new programs will allow Winniggers to embrace the cultures they are craving, whether it is their own heritage or another culture that they wish to embrace.

"One of the most important aspects of the festival is being able to celebrate and come together. Obviously we cannot do that on the scale we have done, but help that there was an opportunity to still be able to be present," she says. "One of the greatest things about our programming is that we can customize it."

Dancers, instructional groups, and other cultural ambassadors are going to locations to celebrate their heritage with locals. Cotroneo says there are different booking options available, including the addition of cultural food.

The four new programs are:

  • Folklorama at Home
  • Folklomara at Work
  • Folklorama at School
  • Folklorama at Play

Cotroneo says each experience will be customized for the needs of groups and will be continuing the programs all summer long.

"You can think of entertainment showing up on your driveway or in your backyard for a get together along with your favourite food items from a certain pavilion."

She adds that their "at Work" program will look similar but on a larger scale.

"We also thought about the stress and anxiety as a lot of people are having as they come back into the workplace. Having a celebratory event and coming together as a community, which Folklorama does really well, is fabulous.

The program that will be difficult to currently host is Folklorama at Play. Folklorama at Play will test the creativity of staff as the ways people "play" have changed. Cotroneo hopes to see cultural activities take place at community venues once it is acceptable to do so. 

"Stay tuned for that, as it will depend on the restrictions."

Performers visiting locations, sharing their culture, are a combination of membership performers and others who perform throughout the year.

Cotroneo hopes the new programming will continue past 2020.