Ryan Rempel, The Executive Director of Give the Word, was recently contacted by the US Navy. who asked for Spanish Bibles.

"Give the word is a ministry that provides Bibles that are geared toward outreach," says Rempel. The organization was started by Rempel several years ago and has become a key tool in sharing the word of God to different communities, cultures, and languages all over the world.

"For whatever reason right now, we have a tonne of Spanish Bibles going out," Rempel says.

"It's kind of a crazy story ... this goes back about a year ago when we were trying to order Spanish Bibles we got in contact with this guy that created this comic book style Spanish Bible."

The person Rempel was in contact with regarding these Spanish Bibles lives in Holland and was a retired Sea Captain. On top of that, this captain turned Bible distributor was once the captain of one of the Mercy Ships from the US Navy.

"So fast forwarding, one of the US Navy Mercy Ships contacts us and said that they are going to South America and they have a team of Chaplains with them," this rang a bell for Rempel as he immediately thought of his supplier who had also been a Mercy Ship Captain.

"So I contacted him and told him that his Bibles were going to be on a ship that he had once been a captain of," says Rempel, "and he just freaked out he was so pumped."

These Bibles are now going into a community in South America were the people on this ship will be able to share the love of Jesus in the locals own language!

"It was shocking. This was something a little out of the ordinary, we don't really get calls from the Navy for Bibles. So just the fact that we were able to partner with them and play a little piece in what they are doing is fantastic." 

If you are in need of Bibles or know someone who is interested in sharing the gospel, Give the Word has the resources you need, find out more at their website by clicking here.