Manitobans could be in for an early spring, or at least spring-like weather, that according to a pair of Manitoba groundhogs.

Manitoba Merv, a groundhog puppet at Oak Hammock Marsh, did not see his shadow as he gave his prediction at the annual Groundhog Day event on Sunday.

winnipeg Wynn

For the past 25 years, Manitoba Merv has correctly predicted the arrival of spring-like weather, with only one mistake.

Winnipeg Wynn, an education ambassador at Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, also did not see her shadow.

Staff at the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre say they actually based their prediction off Wynn's behaviour. They say Wynn has been extremely active these past few weeks, foraging and eating.

Winnipeg Wyn was found orphaned in May 2016 by local firefighters near their fire station.

Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre attempted to rehabilitate her and introduce her to a new groundhog family. Unfortunately, she was rejected by the new family. Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre volunteers decided then to keep her as an education ambassador.

Groundhog Day has its origin in a German legend that says if a furry rodent casts a shadow on February 2nd, winter continues for six more weeks.

If not, spring comes six weeks early.