You wouldn't think gardening would be at the top of the list for ways to spend your lunch hour, but for these kids, it really is!

As the weather changes and school winds down, some students at Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary and Middle Schools (WMEMS) are spending their lunch hours digging in the dirt.

"Gardening has so many benefits," said Becky Barkman, the music teacher at the Katherine Friesen WMEMS campus. "It teaches kids hard work, teaches them responsibility and teaches them where their food comes from."

Barkman also said it's incredible to watch a garden grow from seed to producing their own fruit. She wants to capture that wonder at God's creation.

"I don't want them to ever lose that wonder," Barkman said.

The kids volunteer for the program and are incredibly excited, from kindergarten all the way to grade 6. Students learn about the flowers, how to care for them, how to pull weeds, and then get to watch their own creations grow from nothing.

Barkman said she plans to continue this as long as she can, saying that empty garden boxes on the school yard would just be a waste.