Linden Christian School loves to work with multiple organizations across the globe and has been for over a decade, but this year they decided to do things a little differently. 

The kids on campus fundraise each year for organizations such as World Vision and Siloam Mission. Because of this, and because of the experiences Canadians usually have, they are used to seeing animals like chickens, goats, and similar livestock. This year, however, staff of Linden Christian School and World Vision decided to bring a new animal to the campus: 

"Alpacas are one of those lesser known gifts in the gift catalogue. It's a gift you wouldn't think of at the front end of things. We focus on goats, chickens, etc. But alpacas are a really unique gift that provides life saving warmth and resources for families that they are donated to. 

-Chris Schroeder of World Vision Canada

"We thought this year we would go for something a little different, something kids don't see everyday or at their grandparents' farms," Chris says, "Alpacas just don't run freely in the city, at least not yet. We thought this would be a unique experience for them. We also wanted to engage with the parents this year. Hopefully the parents will also see that their children are being involved and are making a global impact. This is an event they won't forget." 

Selected middle year students were chosen as leadership to be the honorary flag holders for World Vision during dismissal. The kids were very excited for this event, and worked very hard to help World Vision in donations. "I put my allowance aside each week to raise money for World Vision and other things I could donate to." Adam Kubiak informed us. Neve Gilmore and Rachel Simpson raised money by babysitting, while Matthew Jansen raised money by shoveling driveways and going around the neighbourhood with his friends.

Linden Christian School also wanted to make things different this year by focusing on the spiritual reasons and context to raise funds for people in other nations. The Middle Years' Spiritual Care and Campus Life Coordinator Johnathan Venloewen talked about his preaching themes in recent chapels. "To represent the beginning of our campaign, we talked about love. The cool thing is that World Vision has a statement for this year 'Love Can Change the World'. I preached a message about how love can change the world, and about how love already has changed the world." He continues his point and says, "Because we have been so loved by God, our love pours out onto others and influences our culture. For the middle years we are instilling being a part of a global community, and loving people who don't actually have enough." He says the reason they do that is because God loved us first, and therefore they can influence the lives of other people to make it better for those who don't have the capability to provide for themselves. 

Linden Christian School has been partnered with World Vision for over ten years now. The middle years are raising funds for them this year, and the high school years are raising funds for Siloam Mission. Robert Charach, Principal and CEO of Linden Christian School, informed us how this ties in with their vision.

"We want our students to be compassionate community members... We have focus all over the world, in our city, and in the internal part of our community. Compassion isn't just about having a good feeling or intention, it's about action and showing the love of Christ. We are glad to partner and support multiple different organizations like World Vision because it ties in with what we are called to do." 

- Robert Charach, Principal and CEO of Linden Christian School 

The grand total of funds raised for World Vision by the students will be announced on Friday, December 22nd, during Linden Christian School's chapel.