Junel Malapad was inspired to run on Boxing Day for Siloam Mission because of something his daughter said to him last year.

Malapad and his daughter were walking back to their car one chilly winter night after watching fireworks. He was worried his daughter was cold and asked her if she was doing OK. 

"She said, 'you know Dad, there's people who have no place to warm up. They don't have a home but I do, so I'm OK,'" Malapad said. "She was only five at the time and that, coupled with the thought of that woman who froze to death last year made me think 'why not help Siloam Misson?'" 

"Anyone can get into a situation where they run out of funds for taking care of themselves or lose their job and they might need help," he continued. "Siloam Mission provides that help so I was more than happy to help them in return." 


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This year, Malapad and other members of the running community braved the frigid temperatures and ran 90 km on Boxing Day. 

Last year they raised over $2,000 during the campaign, and Malapad says this year they delivered $868.16 to Siloam on Boxing Day. He expects that number to climb however, as donations continue to roll in online. 

Malapad and other members of the running community will also be dropping off material donations of socks and underwear to Siloam in the coming days. 

"The running community here is very generous," Malapad said. "They are people who have many reasons to run and when someone decides to do something for other people the run community jumps in to help." 

The online campaign runs until New Year's Day and can be found at canadahelps.org. If you use the drop down menu and select "Change Boxing Day to RUNNING DAY" it will go directly to this campaign's fund.