A highway just outside of Winnipeg is backed up for kilometres with no way out during an intense blizzard.

Dustin Voth woke up Tuesday morning, packed his lunch, and expected to eat it at work. Instead, he has been spending close to six hours inside of his car, trapped on the West Perimeter Highway during the blizzard.

"I couldn't move if I tried," Voth says in an afternoon interview on his dying phone. "I am more concerned about people who might have kids or are diabetic."

He reached the turnoff to Oak Bluff at roughly 8:50 a.m. He says it has been backed up since then, with traffic fully stopping at 9:05.

"Some semis tried to pass on the right, so now both lanes and the shoulder are all blocked."

Beside him are two trucks stuck in the ditch.

He got out of his vehicle to talk to another stuck driver who estimates that they are backed up until McGillivray Boulevard, roughly four kilometres of stopped traffic. They are not sure if there is a crash or blockage, but they are certain they are stuck.

"A couple of trucks jumped the median and went back south, but there is no traffic going the other way on the Perimeter either."

Voth thinks because of the storm, he will be stuck in place until at least 4 or 5 p.m. 

"The visibility is still pretty bad here."

Voth is warm and relatively safe. He has been doing whatever he can to pass the time, watching movies in his back seat and eating his lunch.

"If I had to be stuck, this is the car to be in for sure," he laughs. 

Update: As of 4:20 p.m., Dustin Voth was able to drive again, joining the other stopped vehicles leaving the Perimeter Highway. The highway remains closed.

Listen to the full conversation with Dustin below: