A Manitoba ministry has sent out young adults to serve for six weeks in Fiji.

Fiji was the obvious choice for Island Breeze Manitoba, a Youth With a Mission ministry. Isi Masi has been in Canada for 17 years but is originally from Fiji. His wife, Tessa, and him are the directors of the program and Isi had a chance to join his YWAM team out there for a couple weeks.

"Biggest highlight for me was just to be home," Masi said.

Island Breeze is a discipleship training school that runs through YWAM. They say they are "a global missions organization that seeks to know God and make him known through His inherent gifts and expressions within the nations." Going to Fiji is just phase 2.

"Six of the [20] weeks are spent in Fiji," Masi said.

The group serves in Tiliva, which requires a five hour ferry ride, before transfering everything to another, smaller boat, then going another 20 minutes. Masi says there were no roads where they are, boating is the main way of getting around.

The group is learning lots while there. Some of the young adults learned to weave a mat, which Masi says is very important in many Pacific Island cultures.

"It's [used] for sitting, sleeping, gifts to special occasions, also used as traditional costumes for special functions and dances," he said.

Being a part of community is a very important part of the Fiji life and the group is trying to be a part of that. Masi says he wants the group to learn a lot.

"Our heartbeat was to bring the youth [to Fiji] for the perspective," he continued. "But they are noticing that they can be a solution."

Masi says the young adults are learning a lot in a new culture and environment, but he said they already have one highlight.

"Their main highlight was recognizing the beauty of God," Masi said.