Manitobans looking to make their commutes greener can now connect on a new app.

The app, GoManitoba, was unveiled to the public at The Forks today following a soft launch.

Workplace Commuter Options Program Coordinator with Green Action Centre Mel Marginet says the app will save time, money, and the environment.

"Eighty per cent of Manitobans currently drive alone in a car by themselves to get to work. So what we want to do is we want to connect Manitobans with this new app, to connect them with people along the route to share the cost and the carbon footprint of their commutes," said Marginet during today's press conference.

GoManitoba's purpose is to help facilitate carpools, promote public transit, and match people to bike and transit mentors. It is free to download. Green Action Centre is giving away more than 200 draw prizes for the first 5,000 people who sign up.

Employers, institutions, and municipalities can purchase customized subsites on the app.