A youth drop-in centre in southern Manitoba is benefitting from their local police department.

The final tally is in from the community police ball hosted by the Altona Police Service this fall.

With over 250 people in attendance, including representatives from all three levels of government and police agencies from across Manitoba, $14,519.48 was raised for the local Youth for Christ organization, The Station.

An "outstanding" turnout and significant private donations are being credited for making the event, which served as the Altona Police Service's centennial celebration, a success.

The money will be used to purchase a new, 15 passenger van for The Station.

"Our youth are our future. It is outstanding that we have an organization in our community where so many people volunteer their time, ensuring that these kids have an opportunity to participate in so many positive events. The new van will get them there and back safely," said Perry Batchelor, Chief of Police for the Altona Police Service.