Jesus said he didn't come for the righteous and that's the model Open Circle uses in their ministry.

Open Circle is a prison visitation ministry, matching up volunteers with a prisoner, then walking alongside them in jail and once they are back on the streets.

"We encourage people to develop a relationship with individuals who are inside," said Hank Dixon. He is the program director at Open Circle and got into the ministry after being on the receiving end.

"I spent nine years in prison . . . and went on to become a pastor, then became a prison chaplain," "[I've] not only experienced first hand the importance of those kinds of relationships, but also seeing firsthand the kind of impact it has on individuals over the years."

Dixon mentioned one individual who recently got out of prison after spending many years out of society. "We continue to support him in terms of getting housing and getting good community connections," Dixon said. "He's been very thankful for that support and told me numerous times how much it's meant to him."

Open Circle follows Jesus' call to visit those in prison, but Dixon says it's even broader than that.

"As he pointed out so clearly to us, it's not the righteous who are in need, it's the sinners, the wounded, the broken," he said. "I just think that his model speaks very loudly for our need to walk in the lives of those in prison."

Dixon mentioned a statistic that came from the USA years ago that said 95% of inmates end up back in society.

"Everybody is going to end up back on the street, so who do you want?" Dixon asked.

Open Circle is always looking for volunteers, both for the men and women institution.