Manitobans are being asked to share their thoughts on reducing poverty.

The province is launching a consultation process to help guide the development of a poverty reduction strategy.

It's welcome news to Make Poverty History Manitoba. Chair Josh Brandon says they're pleased the process has targets and timelines, they're pleased the province will be consulting with community groups, and they're pleased people with direct experience with poverty are being sought out first.

"Those are some good indicators that this province is listening, that it will make poverty reduction a priority," says Brandon.

But he says it's one thing to conduct consultations and begin a planning process, but strategic goals need to be matched with strategic investments.

"Poverty reduction is going to require government to commit resources. We've heard that this is a cost-constrained environment from this government, and it's going to have to set its priorities. Is it going to cut taxes right away or will it invest in strategic initiatives to reduce poverty?"

For now, Brandon says they're quite happy the government is opening up consultations.

"We're already late on this and there's no need to harp on that. We're moving forward and we're going to work with government as best we can to make sure the priorities of low-income Manitobans are met."

The province says, to start, targeted consultations will take place with Manitobans who have experienced poverty, and written submissions will be accepted from all Manitobans until January 31st. That feedback will inform an online survey set to go up early next year.

You can learn more here.