Just as many other people are, the Queen is celebrating her birthday quietly this year.

Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-reining monarch in England's history.  She was born on April 21, 1926, at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London, and has ruled as Queen since 1952. She was crowned Queen of England in 1953.

Today is Queen Elizabeth's birthday, but as usual, there will be no large celebration on the date. Just as most of the population is, the Queen of England is having a quiet day at home and has no public events planned for today.

Typically the Queen waits until June to celebrate. This year her celebration, Trooping the Colour, will take place on June 13, 2020. Trooping the Colour is a military parade that happens every year in celebration of the monarchy. So far, the event is still scheduled to occur in London.


To celebrate her birthday, this year's celebration will be quieter. The occasion is not being marked by blank rounds being shot and government buildings are not expected to fly the flag today, but can if they desire to, due to the sombre tone of COVID-19.

The Royal Family's official Twitter account in celebration of the Queen's birthday shared footage from the Queen's childhood.

Just as many Canadians are baking more, The Royal Pastry Chefs shared a recipe to celebrate the occasion.