Pastor Joanne Hoehne invites women to learn about the transformational and empowering effects of God's love this weekend at The Source Church.

"This event is for any woman who wants to just experience the power and presence of God and just walk into the journey of greater empowerment in their walk with God," says Hoehne the founder of SHE Tour.

The acronym of SHE, Hoehne says, is for "saved, healed, and empowered."

Hoehne explains that "Too many times we want to be empowered, but we aren't willing to do the journey to get to the place where we are healthy enough to be empowered. So there are some things that we need to have saved and surrendered first, then healed, and then we are in a place of being empowered.

"So, I choose my speakers who bring strong messages in each of those areas."

SHE Tour's speakers, like Michelle Hunter who was a notorious drug dealer, is now an evangelist, mentor and international speaker this weekend is meant to inspire and empower women in their walk with God.

"We've seen so many girls coming out of human trafficking and addictions get totally touched by God. It is such a joy to watch."

The transformation of SHE Tour is also experienced by women outside of the conference.

A portion of the proceeds from registrations go to local organizations: "Our local campus pastors are the ones who will choose the organization that will best fit our cause. We love giving to organizations that are helping women who are in addiction, are homeless, or who are struggling because we just believe that everyone needs that help.

"So when there is an organization like that, we want to be part of it. We also sponsor girls to attend for free who are in some of these homes and these programs, so that they can come and experience SHE Tour for themselves. We have seen so many radical stories."

Stories like one of a mother and daughter is a highlight for Hoehne: "A mom actually dragged a college-age girl to our SHE Tour in Florida and basically gave the ultimatum: 'If you want to live under my roof tomorrow, you're going to come with me tonight'. She showed up completely in a bad mood, not wanting anything to do with it, but the presence of God got a hold of her and she started to cry.

"All of the resistance, all of the hurt, just started leaving and by the end of that weekend, she just had a radical heart to serve God. So much of her heart and body had been healed. She started coming to our church and just this last weekend she sang on our worship team because she is so radically transformed by the power of God."

Hoehne says she is so excited by stories like these and looks forward to more stories like that this weekend in Winnipeg.

"God is faithful to touch lives when we give HIm the room to do it."

For this weekend, Hoehne hopes women walk away from SHE Tour knowing that God's love is powerful: "I really want women to know that we fulfill our purpose and our calling out of an overflow of God's love in us.

"We don't do it in our own strength but because we allow His love into us and into our hearts. That will be a lot of our message this week: How do we fully understand His love? How do we fully receive His love? How do we operate out of that place of being so incredibly loved by God?"

Buy your tickets and read more about the speakers and schedule for SHE Tour here