After a terrifying collision that almost ended fatally, the Manitoba RCMP wants to remind drivers to stay focused on the road.

On Tuesday, RCMP Manitoba shared dashcam footage of a collision between a semi and a motorcycle. The motorcyclist was able to jump off the bike and avoid serious injury after the semi ran a red light.

Witnesses saw the driver on his cell phone and RCMP charged him with distracted driving and running a red light.

"We encourage all drivers to practice safe driving behaviour," said RCMP Manitoba Media Relations Tara Seel. "With distracted driving, that is something this video highlights. I believe seeing is believing."

Seel says the RCMP released the footage a week after the incident to highlight the dangers of distracted driving and give proof that it could lead to something far more serious than just a $406 fine.

"To see how quickly a situation can turn deadly will hopefully help people focus on the road," Seel said.

Manitoba RCMP doesn't limit distracted driving to just cell phones. They consider distracted driving doing anything that would take your focus away from the road, which could include eating, talking to a passenger, or changing the radio station.

The reality, however, is that the RCMP needs to have evidence in order to charge someone with distracted driving. Seel says in theory that many accidents occur because of distracted driving, but the statistics are skewed.

"Every single one of us needs to make smart choices behind the wheel," Seel stated. "The consequences could be tragic."

The motorcyclist was able to walk away from the collision with only minor injuries.

Read more:

Distracted driver nearly causes catastrophe