Siloam Mission threw a party for their volunteers last night, and what a party it was.

Approximately 800 people showed up to the RBC Convention Centre as Siloam Mission said "thank you" to its many volunteers. 

The night took on the feel of 60 years ago as there was a 1950s sock hop theme to the evening.

Volunteers enjoyed an evening of games, a meal donated entirely by Danny's Whole Hog, as well as entertainment from Winnipeg band Freeride which performed as "Harry and the Armpits" for the evening.

While there was a fun atmosphere, complete with plenty of dancing including a large crowd doing "the twist," there was also a serious tone to the evening.

"Siloam couldn't do this without each of you and the time you give," Judy Richichi, Director of Major Gifts and Corporate Relations at Siloam, told the crowd.

Danny Kleinsasser, the owner of Danny's Whole Hog, also took the time to encourage the crowd gathered. "It's important to give back while you can," he said. "When you see somebody in need, you see somebody you can help, don't just say it. Go do it. A bunch of volunteers makes an army. Every volunteer in this room here can definitely make a difference . . . (you) do make a difference!"

While 800 people might seem like a lot Kleinsasser also pointed out that those gathered were just a drop in the bucket of Siloam's "volunteer army." Each year the mission sees over 8,000 volunteers come through the doors to help in a variety of areas.

Siloam's new CEO, Jim Bell, closed out the evening by singing the praises of those gathered, and those who couldn't be there, thanking them for their commitment not just to Siloam, but to Winnipeg's less fortunate.

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