Gino Yso is glad that he was able to spend three weeks in the Philippines after a volcano eruption disrupted his mission group's initial plans.

A team of MissionX students from Steinbach Bible College (SBC) returned to Manitoba on Thursday from the Philipines.

One student, Yso, recounts the trip as being a memorable experience not only because of his personal connection to the island nation but also because of what he learned from the people.

"God works beyond our expectations and beyond our own limits," Yso says.

Yso has originally thought he was going there in part to act as a translator for his class but quickly learned that his role was much more important than that.

"I had put limits on God's work."

The team visited schools and different communities during their travels. Part of their journey was sharing their faith stories.

"When I had shared (my) testimony, I had been speaking to a lot of the younger people," Yso says. "The crazy thing about it was that it went beyond the children."

Yso's says that "unexpectedly, it was also God ministering to the teachers as well."

His story about forgiveness was able to communicate with the whole room.

"I had put limits on God's work," Yso says. "God works beyond the limits that I put on myself."

Yso and his class are now back in Steinbach, Manitoba attending their own classes at SBC.