New Manitoba legislation to crack down on impaired driving is to go into effect on December 16.

Under the new rules, drivers who register a "warn" on a screening device will automatically lose their vehicle for three days. Drivers will also be hit with a $400 fine for a first offence. After that penalties increase to $500 for a second offence, and $600 for a third or subsequent offence.

A "warn" reading comes when a person's blood-alcohol level ranges between .05 to .079 -- just under the legal impaired limit.

For impaired drivers who receive a "fail" with a blood-alcohol level at or over .08 police can now give a $700 fine. They can also give a mandatory ignition interlock device for one year.

The government says the immediate roadside prohibition approach in British Columbia has reduced alcohol-related deaths by 50 per cent.

Ten people have died on Manitoba roads in 2019 due to impaired driving according to the province.