An increase in Hydro rates means an equal increase in operating costs for Union Gospel Mission (UGM).

In fact, not only will UGM's operating costs increase by 3.75 percent, the inflated rates being implemented by Manitoba Hydro will also cause an increase in electrical costs, according to Jeff Gilfillan, Development Manager for Union Gospel Mission.

Essentially, a larger sum of money will need to cover operating costs, instead of helping pay for the ministry's programming costs.

Gilfillan explained that this will impact their clients primarily in the North End, where they conduct outreach through their Family Life Centre and school programs. Instead of covering needs such as food and clothing, UGM clients will have to put more money towards their Hydro bills, requiring the mission to step in and assist in a greater capacity through their North End programming—a huge impact, affecting both UGM and their clients. 

"If you have a fixed income, whether you're a senior, or whether you're on welfare, or working a part-time job on minimum wage and only getting so many hours, and now all of a sudden you're going to be taking another three to four percent out of your paycheck to go to utilities. That affects a jug of milk, that affects a cup of juice, a box of cereal; to a family on a fixed income, that's a lot." Gilfillan explained.

Over the past few years, UGM has already been taking steps to lower energy consumption through converting lighting and implementing timers in a number of their buildings.

"We'll have to be looking at other programs in the future about going more green."