The Public Utilities Board is seeking the input of Manitobans on Manitoba Hydro's proposed rate increases.

Manitoba Hydro has applied to the Public Utilities Board for a 7.9 percent increase to hydro rates on August 1, 2017, and another 7.9 percent increase on April 1, 2018.

Hydro says in a release that for a residential customer not on electric heat "(using an average of 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month), the combined impact of these rate increases is an additional $14.31 per month after April 1, 2018."

For customers on electric heat "(using an average of 2,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month), the combined impact of these rate increases is an additional $27.33 per month after April 1, 2018."

You can share your views on the proposed rate increases with the Public Utilities Board in three ways:

  • Oral presentation - If you wish to make a verbal presentation to the Board at a Public Hearing, please register with the Public Utilities Board by writing to the Board office at the address listed below, or by sending an email to Presentations are limited to a maximum of ten minutes.
  • Written comment - If you would like to comment on the rate increase, please go to and provide your comment.
  • As an approved intervener – If you want to be an Intervener, please go to and register to become an intervener.