People in The Pas are now being told they can safely consume the town's water, but only after boiling it.

Earlier today, the province issued a notice advising residents of The Pas not to consume local water at all, after a raw water pump failure led the town to draw water from a well of "unknown water quality" to maintain service.

Since then, the province has issued a boil water advisory, declaring the water safe for consumption after bringing it to a rolling boil for at least a minute. Residents are to boil water before using it for drinking, ice-making, preparing food and beverages, and brushing teeth.

Young children are still advised to be washed by sponge bath; those old enough to avoid swallowing any water can bathe and shower regularly.

Boiled water is not necessary for laundry or doing dishes, according to the province's notice.

The Town of The Pas is thanking OCN and the RM of Kelsey for helping out during the water issue, as well as Northern Water Services. The Town says potable drinking water is available in the Town parking lot, and will be there throughout the weekend; you must bring your own containers.