If you're wondering what the weather will be like for Tuesday's Grey Cup parade you don't have to wonder much.

With an overcast sky and temperatures at -2 in downtown Winnipeg at 5:30 a.m., the weather will be staying pretty much the same today.

Environment Canada says that temperatures will hover around -2 throughout most of the day. The temperature may drop to around -4 by 9 a.m. but should bounce back to -2 by the time the parade starts at noon.

There will be a slight wind chill in effect between -6 and -4 throughout the time of the parade.


The sky is expected to remain overcast most of the day. However, there may be bits of sunshine peeking through the clouds at times.

There will likely be no snow or rain like we've seen the past few days. There is just a 30 per cent chance of light flurries forecasted currently.

The parade begins at Portage & Hargrave at 12 p.m. and concludes at The Forks. Speeches will begin at The Forks at 1:30 p.m.

Read more: Grey Cup championship parade details