Winklers youth drop-in centre, The Bunker, is worried for a sister location in the Caribbean.

The island of Puerto Rico, home of the Bunker's sister location in Fajardo, was recently devastated by hurricane Irma and now faces countrywide blackouts from hurricane Maria.

Before Maria hit the country was touched by the edge of Irma, causing structural damage to much of the infrastructure around the island and knocking out electricity to many residents for a number of days.

During the recovery from Irma, many residents began relief efforts supplying food, water, and medical supplies to the surrounding islands directly in the path of Irma.

"Even though it has been hit a lot of crews are reaching out to Saint John, Saint Martin," shares Fajardo resident and bunker friend Hector Sarza. "Crews going out there to help them get back on their feet."

Irma, as measured by wind speed, was the most powerful hurricane to form in the Atlantic Ocean, with sustained winds of 295 km/h.

The structural damage sustained by Irma will have a large impact during hurricane Maria, with structural integrity lowered buildings might not be able to withstand the winds.

Executive Director of Youth Ministry for the Bunker Kevin Hildebrand says a lack of electricity has caused a number of issues for Puerto Rico even before Maria.

"They're trying to figure out how are we going to keep what little food we have in our freezers, how are we going to keep that cold?"

Hildebrand continues saying finding fuel is important. He wonders, with fuel stations down, how far does someone need to drive in order to fill a Jerry can to continue running their generators?

Puerto Rico was hit directly by Maria Wednesday, completely knocking power across the country off-line.

Even during the devastation, Sarza expresses his gratitude towards those who have been thinking of him, his family, and Puerto Rico.

"I thank you guys for being concerned for Puerto Rico. This totally confirms for me that God puts burdens on peoples' hearts. Who knew I would be getting a call from three thousand miles away. Someone was concerned about the needs of Puerto Rico and how damaged it was."

The Bunker has begun plans for future relief to the country but is waiting for communication to return so they can find out what the people of Puerto Rico needs.